This week’s recipe is Cardamom Rice Pilaf.  Although a bowl of rice doesn’t allow for a gorgeous picture (see my attempt below), this is a delicious take-off on a Pilaf.  I like the slight taste of the cardamom which is enhanced and tempered by the lemon zest. Perhaps I’d toss in some figs for additional flavor (not necessary, of course.) While I am still in Aspen, working in my condo kitchen, with limited cuisine resources, we women-folk were able to pull together a wonderful meal. Green salad. Salmon with Pesto. Cardamom Rice Pilaf. It worked. This picture is entitled: “Austine, Eating; Karen, Posing; Judy, Scooping“. (Ansel Adams, I am not but the gals were “game”.)

Following dinner, we saw the award-winning film “Queen of the Sun” , which, my fellow food bloggers, I URGE you all to see. This is a documentary about honeybees, with more sting to it than honey.  These little tigers are disappearing at an incredibly alarming rate due to a phenomenon now called “Colony Collapse Disorder”.  Bottom line, we need bees to survive so we can!