BERRY GALETTE, Rustic, Free-Form and Delicious

BERRY GALETTE, Rustic, Free-Form and Delicious

“J’aime la galette, savez-vous comment? Quand elle est bien faite, avec du beurre dedans.”

The Berry Galette, up close and personal. The Tuesday with Dorie Baking with Julia recipe choice for this week.


French school children sing a silly, nonsensical tune about this week’s TWD/BWJ recipe choice, Berry Galette.  Translated, the lyrics are,“I like galette, do you know how? When it is made well, with butter inside.”

This afternoon, as I was putting together what I considered a simple recipe, “est bien faite” , the “made well “ part, became a problem. My dough wasn’t coming together for me. Not at all.  Frustrated, I combined the two small disks into one and tossed them back in the refrigerator.


What started as two, wrapped tightly and chilled for two hours, failed to live up to their task. Two became one and were returned to the fridge to “chill out”.


Next, I’ll even admit pulling out my “if all else fails” emergency back-up, hidden in my freezer: Trader Joe’s Pie Crust. Just couldn’t do it. Instead, I walked around our community’s Loop ( it was 106 degrees), huffed and puffed and returned to try again.


Thought about it. Seriously. Considered it. Seriously. Couldn’t do it.


My second attempt was successful and I managed to roll out one 11” circle that was about 1/8” thick, discarding the rest of the dough. After transferring it to a parchment-lined jelly roll pan, I spread blackberries, raspberries and blueberries, within two inches of the border. Then I sprinkled sugar, poured honey, and sliced butter over the fruit. I wrapped and pleated the dough to seal in the fruit (hopefully).


In the oven, pleated and wrapped.


Although my galette sprung a leak, my sleuthing suggests it’s quite difficult to not have seepage. Even master baker and cookbook author Flo Braker, who shared this recipe with Julia, believes a juicy galette is a well-baked galette as shown in her photo on pages 344-345 of our cookbook, Baking with Julia.




The only change I made to this recipe was substituting one-half of the all-purpose flour with whole wheat flour. To add more flavor, a small amount of Licor 43 could be poured on the fruit mix but I choose not to add more liquid this time. To see the full recipe go to the websites of our hosts this week:  Lisa,, who is from Ohio and Andrea, , who now lives in Germany.  Andrea is also my colleague as a member of French Fridays with Dorie. To see if others huffed or puffed this week,  go to


Served warm, with a scoop of ice cream, Berry Galette is very tasty.