SNAP #25 – Valentine’s Day at Deep Discount

It’s a truthful statement when I mention that  almost everything in my house has been in someone else’s first. The majority of my friends do not relish “The Prowl”, whether it be at flea markets, thrift shops or legitimate antique/collectible stores,  but I’ve never let that deter me from scoring a great find or having a hoot ‘n holler time doing it.

An Antique Store Valentine’s Day Discovery

In Snap #23 I wrote that I often go to these places to purchase cheesy, cheap, glittery, heart-shaped jewelry – earrings, necklaces or bracelets – for Valentine’s Day gifties. 

As proof that I don’t suggest a Snap I haven’t already tried, here are my Valentine “finds” to date. Still seven days to go. 

1. My 8-year-old granddaughter is a frog-iac. This little girl lives, breathes, loves, photographs, studies and dissects frogs. Her pet frog, Blazer, who resides in a mini-condo in the family living room (Yes, it gets dicey when Grandma visits.), eats living crickets. These creatures, who remain alive to the last bite, also reside in a box in the living room. Sometimes the crickets get loose. Although my daughter insists this grandchild is a blood-relative, she carries none of my DNA. But, in a local antique shop, I discovered the Amphibian versions of  Itzhak Perlman, Yo-Yo Ma and Miles Davis. Cost: $9.00  She’ll love it.

The Amphibian Versions of Perlman, Davis, and Ma.

2. For my 10-year-old granddaughter, I snagged something terrific – a Swiss Army knife.  Blade. Sharp. School Expulsion.   Has Grandma gone crazy?  Strange as this may sound, she’ll be thrilled. Emma lives in California’s Inyo Valley with the Sierra Nevada Mountains as her backyard playground. She already has a generic, all-purpose knife, which her parents have taught her to use, but she covets the ‘real deal’.  Although that wish will be granted for her mid-Summer birthday, this Valentine version will suffice for now. Cost: $1.00 (I loved the “Climb the Matterhorn” tagline as will she.)

“Climb the Matterhorn” – the tagline for this version of a Swiss Army Knife.

3. Who doesn’t love diamonds?  That’s exactly what I spotted yesterday for my  daughter:  a well-designed, gold-plated, heart pin, studded with 18 (I counted them) diamonds. Okay, so, probably, “gold” is not the right word. The “diamonds” may be rhinestones.  And, to be truthful, my daughter doesn’t wear nor even like jewelry. That’s precisely why she will wear and keep this priceless piece. $12.00

All That Glitters May Not Be Gold.

4. And, for my son-in-law. A fossilized sand dollar, millions of years old, for his desk. It’s a guy thing.  $7.00

Millions of Years Ago, This Was A Sand Dollar (or, so I’m told).

Here’s the SNAP:  Valentine’s Day does not have to be another pricey holiday. For this holiday it really IS the thought that counts.  Go to Michael’s or any crafts/party store and spend $15.00 on glitz-and-glitter, Made-in-China Valentine decor.  Shape your pizza or meatloaf or mac ‘n cheese or sandwiches into hearts, buy some Valentine’s cookies and toss Chocolates Kisses all over the table. You’ve made a party.  Invite your family – that’s what I am doing – or friends or colleagues to join you. That’s showing your Love in the best possible way. 

Happy Hearts.